Pelastuskoirat – luottamuksen ja tiimityön ilmentymä

Search And Rescue – a journey of trust and teamwork

Search and rescue work is a journey filled with shared challenges, learning, and unforgettable moments. Pompassador @hikerroxie shares tips and experiences from working with her dog Roxie.

PompassadorPompassador-lähettiläät 24-25

Meet the Pompassadors 24-25

The Pomppa brand ambassador search for the season 24-25 has come to an end and the new team has been assembled. It's time to meet them!

PompassadorKiinnostaako koirafrisbee? Huomioi nämä 5 tärkeää asiaa ennen kuin aloitat.

Getting Started With Dog Frisbee: 5 Important Things to Look Out For

Jump into the exciting world of dog frisbee with Pompassador @dutchaussiegirls (🇬🇧

PompassadorLöydä koirasi potentiaali: koulutusvinkit heikosti motivoituville koirille

Unleashing the Potential: Training Tips for Unmotivated Dogs

Is your dog difficult to motivate? Pompassador @myrussiantoynemo offers top tips for working with poor motivation (🇬🇧)

PompassadorKuinka ylläpitää ja edistää aktiivisen koiran hyvinvointia?

How to Care for Active Dogs

Every one of us wants our dogs to live a long, happy, active and prosperous life. Pompassador @sofietjemsland shares his best tips for maintaining and promoting an active dog! (🇬🇧)

PompassadorPompassador lähettiläät 23-24

Meet the Pompassadors 23-24

The Pomppa brand ambassador search has come to an end and the new team has been assembled. Now it's time to meet them!

PompassadorTee pukemisesta koirallesi mieluisaa – omaehtoisesti!

Teach Your Dog To Enjoy Being Dressed Up

Most dogs may not be overly fond of dressing up for the outdoors. To change this mindset, read our Pompassador Jasmin´s tips for cooperative care method. “I am dog training instructor Jasmin Kujand...

PompassadorEsittelyssä canicross ja bikejor

Introduction to Canicross and Bikejor

Have you ever thought about starting Canicross or Bikejor with your dog? Read Pompassador Becky´s introduction about this fascinating and fast-paced sport.

Pompassador10 asiaa, jotka jokaisen pennunomistajan tulee muistaa

10 Things Every Puppy Owner Should Know

Have you ever wondered what’s life like with a puppy? Or how to prepare for the arrival of one? Pompassador Heidi shared her 10 best tips for a new puppy. “Those lovely, adorable puppies! What’s li...

PompassadorElämää metsästyskoirien kanssa

What it’s like to live with hunting dogs

Have you ever wondered what your daily life might look like when living with hunting dogs? Read what Pompassador Laura says about this fascinating world. “My dogs are family members, loyal friend...