Pelastuskoirat – luottamuksen ja tiimityön ilmentymä

Search And Rescue – a journey of trust and teamwork

Search and rescue work is a journey filled with shared challenges, learning, and unforgettable moments. Pompassador @hikerroxie shares tips and experiences from working with her dog Roxie.

TuotteetHuolla Pomppa oikein

How to Care for Your Pomppa

Caring for your Pomppa product is essential for it to protect your dog in every weather. With proper care, the life of your Pomppa can be extended by years! Our goal is to make long-lasting product...

TuotteetOpas koiran takin valintaan

Which jacket to choose?

Read our best tips on choosing the right coat for your dog.

PompassadorPompassador-lähettiläät 24-25

Meet the Pompassadors 24-25

The Pomppa brand ambassador search for the season 24-25 has come to an end and the new team has been assembled. It's time to meet them!

TuotteetTrail-kuosin tarina

The Story of Trail

The inspiration for the new colorful Trail pattern came from the dog’s perspective.

PompassadorKiinnostaako koirafrisbee? Huomioi nämä 5 tärkeää asiaa ennen kuin aloitat.

Getting Started With Dog Frisbee: 5 Important Things to Look Out For

Jump into the exciting world of dog frisbee with Pompassador @dutchaussiegirls (🇬🇧

PompassadorLöydä koirasi potentiaali: koulutusvinkit heikosti motivoituville koirille

Unleashing the Potential: Training Tips for Unmotivated Dogs

Is your dog difficult to motivate? Pompassador @myrussiantoynemo offers top tips for working with poor motivation (🇬🇧)

PompassadorKuinka ylläpitää ja edistää aktiivisen koiran hyvinvointia?

How to Care for Active Dogs

Every one of us wants our dogs to live a long, happy, active and prosperous life. Pompassador @sofietjemsland shares his best tips for maintaining and promoting an active dog! (🇬🇧)

PompassadorPompassador lähettiläät 23-24

Meet the Pompassadors 23-24

The Pomppa brand ambassador search has come to an end and the new team has been assembled. Now it's time to meet them!

UutisetUusi toimitusjohtaja Pompalle

New CEO for Pomppa

New winds are blowing in the Pompa team. Noora Eerikäinen has been appointed as the company's new CEO, starting from 1 June 2023.